Publication date: 04/05/2023
– Freedom Jasmine announces an envelope tender for the supply of sealed envelopes.
– Tender reference number: 2303MM01003
– To obtain a list of items, quantities, technical specifications, and required papers, please refer to the organization’s office.
inciliPınar Mahallesi 36011 NOLU Sk Ayıntap iş merkezi.
Sit. No: 5/69 See more
– For any inquiries, questions or clarifications, please contact the email address:
Please mention the tender reference number in the email address sent by you
(E-mail that does not have the tender number in its subject will not be responded to)
(Any offer submitted via email and delivered by hand to the organization’s office will be excluded)
All questions and inquiries must be sent no later than: 04/13/2023
Questions or inquiries received after this date will not be answered.
The deadline for receiving offers is: 04/14/2023
Please submit the offers in a sealed envelope to the organization’s office at the following address:
inciliPınar Mahallesi 36011 NOLU Sk Ayıntap iş merkezi.
Sit. No: 5/69 See more